
Sunday, 10 February 2019

Day 289: Middling

Day has been fine. Fair. Middling. Absolutely acceptable. Head was gooped up and mushy this morning, but slurped coffee and slouched around until I came awake. Played a bit of a new free-to-play PlayStation shooter that everyone is raving about with Alex and Mike, we got shot accurately and often, which was impressive to say how much the three of us were flailing around madly. I imagine it was like having to hit a gaggle of burning piglets. Charging every which way, bumping into walls, flinging ourselves off ledges. Still, the enemy players managed to repeatedly make short work of us. Well done, enemy players, well done.

Spent the evening editing photos for work’s social media, after filling my camera with shots over quiet shifts last week. I put my kit lens back on, mostly at 18-24mm ish, after months shooting with only my 50mm prime, and it was great to experiment with the wider angles. My camera, as I think with all DSLRs cheaper than about a grand, is a cropped sensor, so it only captures the centre of the image - so with a 50mm lens you’re really zoomed in. It’s great for a can of beer at work, a close-up of someone’s face, but for anything wider you have to stand down the other end of the pub, which isn’t ideal. There were some nice pictures came out of it all, and it’s always good to know I’ve got the next week or so’s posts lined up. It’s just another stress when everything is getting on top of me to know I’m going to have to take time out of an already busy shift to figure out something to photograph, line it up, edit it, fiddle with computers and phones. Everyone in the company, friends of bar staff, have been saying how good the pics are, but how my brain takes that is now there’s an expectation that I have to consistently live up to, which expectation is obviously unfounded and it’s only a matter of time before they all discover what a revolting fraud I am.

Idiot brain. But anyway, good to have a load of pics on my Google Drive and for that pressure to recede for a week or two.

Other than that, had a day of chores, washing and the like. Played guitar, did the exercises I am currently working on, little 1-2-3. 2-3-4 patterns up and down the major scale, outside and inside string picking, strumming specific numbers of strings, that sort of thing. Basic, boring stuff, but it’s my homework, so I’m doing it. And then a bit of improvising over a blues shuffle with the minor pentatonic in positions one and two, which I’m too embarrassed to do with the amp on lest my neighbours hear how much of a beginner I am, but it’s still lots of fun.

Work early tomorrow, best get off now. Ta ra.


Music: Nothing’s Real but Love, by Rebecca Ferguson. You know what, I didn’t know this was a song by an X-Factor finalist. That’s because I’m not a complete loser, like you are. I don’t waste my time with that rubbish. I just play videogames inexpertly against teenagers and work in a pub. But this song is good! Nothing is real but love. Cups. Shoes. Payment protection insurance. It’s all made up. In our heads. But love is what moves the cosmos beneath its shifting illusory forms. Maybe a shame it takes a reality television star to remind us of that, but whatever. Take grace where you find it, I say. Byeee!

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